The Global Marketing Calendar

Ep. 5 - Midsommar

Season 1 Episode 5

It wouldn't be Midsommar in Sweden without flower crowns, singing and sunshine! The celebrations start around noon, with picnics in the nearest park and traditional dances around a maypole. At lunchtime, attendees graze on what many Swedes think of as the best food of the year: gravlax/salmon, new potatoes with dill and pickled herring are a few staples. The festivities continue into the night with beer and schnapps*. 

In our latest episode, our host Avielle interviews Lars, one of our Swedish LIMEs (Local In-Market Experts), who tells us all about the traditions, history and songs of Midsommar in Sweden. Plus, he shares the dos and dont's of marketing to a Swedish audience at this time of year. Finally, Az expands upon the Swedish untranslatable word 'Kulturbärare' in our Lost in Localisation segment.